Brazil Project

Austroid Corporation’s Brazil Exploration Project (Figure 1), strategically located in the BorboremaPegmatite Province, covers over 120km2 across the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba.

Austroid’s tenementscomprise fourteen (14) research authorisations and one (1) mining concession(Figure 2), acquired through ANM’s (National Mining Agency) Round 8 auction.The properties are located 180km southwest of the city of Natal, by road.

Natal is thecapital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and features an internationalairport and a shallow water port. The nearest deep water ports areapproximately 760km to the south southwest at Salvador and approximately 990kmto the west-northwest at Ponta da Madeira.

Figure1: Location of Austroid’s Brazil Project

In 2022, theGeological Survey of Brazil (SGB) identified the Borborema Pegmatite Province as having significant potential for Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum (LCT) pegmatites.SGB identified lithium-bearing minerals, including spodumene and amblygonite,in the Borborema Pegmatite Province.

The under-explored Borborema Pegmatite Provincefeatures Neoproterozoic biotite schists intruded by similarly aged granitoidsand pegmatites. Historically, most pegmatites in the province have been thesubject of small-scale mining for gems and industrial minerals, including beryl, feldspar, garnet, kaolinite, muscovite, tantalite and tourmaline.

Figure 2: Austroid’s tenements overlain on a geology map

Collecting samples from pegmatite for tenementselection