Mitshisso Project



The Mitshisso Project is wholly owned by Austroid Resources Canada approximately 30km southeast of the town of Chibougamau (58km by road) and 470km north of Montreal in the Eeyou-Istchee James Bay region of northern Quebec (Figure 1).

The projects tenement package covers approximately 115km2 and comprises of 206 claims. The project is accessible by the Chemin du Lac Chibougamau Nord gravel road and can be found on the NTS sheet 32H12 and 32H13.

The project is located in a mining friendly jurisdiction, and in a proven lithium mining province in the Eeyou-Istchee James Bay region. The region hosts proven lithium resources including Nemaska Lithium’s Whabouchi project, Allkem’s James Bay and Sayona’s Moblan project.

Figure 1   Mitshisso Project Location


The Mitshisso project is located in the western Superior Province within the Temisoamian Subprovince. The dominant geological features in the area are the Chibougamau anorthosite and related gabbros, intruded by granitic plugs and batholiths (Figure 2). The region is characterised by faulting, with major northeast-trending faults and a secondary set of northwest to west-trending faults and shears. The documented pegmatites are generally parallel to the foliation of the surrounding gneisses. 

Figure 2  Mitshisso Project Geology


There has been no lithium exploration conducted in the region. The area has been historically explored for gold and base metals, and it is currently being explored for vanadium with the Black Metals and Lac Doré mining projects.